Beautifully human...Beautifully me!

The Beautifully Human, Beautifully Me Blog

Click the image to the right to access my blog and to continue this journey with me!

Here is a sample of my 1st journal entry...

 “I must admit this is scary for me, I have embarked upon a journey of fitness before and I have always successful but that was easy for me. I was a high school student, who was actively pursuing running, drill team (dance), hip‐hop and jazz dance, and among all of this, I was used to exercising twice per day in order to keep up with my activities and I loved it! Somewhere along the road, I feel off that journey into an abyss and I am not sure why I stopped, in a way, I actually do...”

Excerpt from the 
Beautifully Human…Beautifully Me Blog.

Beautifully Human